quinta-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2011

Rosas sumergidas

Malá Fatra, október 2011

Spirit Island on Maligne Lake, Jasper National Park/Spirit Island sur le lac Maligne, parc national Jasper, Alberta

Rainbow Lorikeet

Sunset at Natural Bridges State Beach

Big Springs in the Zion Narrows


Life in Mathare, Africa, February 2010


Malá Fatra, október 2011

correfocs y tragafuegos

A glorious sunrise fills the sky with color and lights up the Teton peaks.

terça-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2011

Waipi'o Valley, Hawaii

Waterfall Wallpaper

Szigethalom - Őszi estA változás színei...

CLASH OF THE ELEMENTSWind+Water: The Element that replenishes and carves new dwellings for lifeSun: The Element that generates and regenerates lifeEarth: The Element that sustains lifeand Human: The creation from those three capable of destroying the three.I wanted to create a photo that establishes the though about the power of nature, yet there's tension between the forces of nature and the human being. Looking around, I saw someone admiring the environment, I quickly took the picture, and as he came back from ledge, the young Zimbabwan notice I was taking the picture, so he apologized saying he must have ruined every one of my shot. I explained to him that I actually enjoyed taking that picture because he was so engaged into viewing the landscape and ignored all the dangers around the area he was standing.As requested:Nikon D80Sigma 10-20mm f4 (shot at probably @f8 )<800 iso (I dont remember)Cokin Black Gradiant FilterB + W PolarizerHoya UV

Hawaii 2007

bOA Noite para todos.

quinta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2011

Field of Red Tulips

dni w kolorze śliwkowym

Очиток едкий

Flowers trying to eat the path


Flowers Jun 15 08



2008-07-17 YY Flowers

Just flowers

Pentas Lanceolata


Honey bees (bees, yes. Look closer) on Sea Lavender

Orchid Show-12

Orchid Show-12

quarta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2011

Wessam Fauad's Flowers


To order this picture, please e-mail the picture name which can be located by clicking on "more info" on the RHS of the page to info@rootssa.com

This rose shows the brilliant pink, white and yellow colours as it contrasts against the green foliage. Taken at the JC Raulston Arboretum in Raleigh, North Carolina


Early signs of Fall in Amman

Phalaenopsis - 2011

To order this picture, please e-mail the picture name which can be located by clicking on "more info" on the RHS of the page to info@rootssa.com

Blogger Luz blog

Emelhor so do que mal acompanhado...